Month: February 2020

Texas Pinball League – IX

Houston’s qualifying event will be on March 1st at Einstein’s Pub and Arcade in Richmond, TX. Finals will take place at the Texas Pinball Festival.

The Texas Pinball League unites the leagues in Austin, Dallas and Houston, to create a massive, Texas-sized pinball showdown and party at Finals.

General League Overview: Each major region of Texas hosts a qualifying event, each following the same format with the top 5 players from each event advancing to the finals. The finalists converge in a single city to represent their region. Finals coordinates with the four major Texas events (Texas Pinball Festival, Houston Arcade Expo, Bat City Open, State Championship Series Finals) to reduce travel burdens. The winner are immortalized on the TPL cup and possess the cup until the next TPL season.


Our three strike tournaments at The Game Preserve NASA begin on Thursday, February 20th and will repeat every first and third Thursday. Join us! The address is 20810 Gulf Fwy Suite Z, Webster, TX 77598.

E=mc² New Monthly!

Space City Pinball League is excited to announce a new monthly tournament at EinStein’s Pub and Arcade in Richmond, Texas—EinSteins=MatchplayCompetition²!

These tournaments are scheduled for the fourth Sunday of each month at 1pm. The kickoff will be February 23rd, and will include a Stranger Things Launch Party. These tournaments will also be Stern Army events with prizes provided by Stern Pinball. The address for this new EinStein’s location is 16733 W Airport Blvd #290, Richmond, TX 77407.